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Kataphusin originates from my in-depth

reading at the Library of Palazzo

Gravina, the seat of the University of

Architecture in Naples.

I remember that sunny afternoon with a

bitterish taste.

At that time the examination of Theory

and History of Restoration fascinated me

and in particular a certain theoretician

John Ruskin.

The term Kataphusin means "in

accordance with nature" and the Stoic

statement refers to the prohairesis "in

accordance with nature", accomplished

by making the use of impressions, by

following God, and by making manifest

in their life in which the conviction that

virtue would be the proper telos ( "End"

or "goal") for all rational beings.

Epictetus also uses a range of essentially

synonymous expressions when he urges

his students to “live in accordance with

nature”, talking also of following

nature”, and living in harmony or

agreement (sumphonos) with nature”.

More specifically Kataphusin was born

in the summer of 1837 as he himself

symbolically tells us in the sense of

contrast between the cottages of

Westmoreland and those remembered

in his Italian trip.

It is possible to find this reference in the

Architectural Magazine of the year

1837, in the article "Introduction to the

Poetry of Architecture".

To complete the meaning there are

further elucidations illustrated by J.M.W.


These most exquisite elements are

finished in watercolor, by the artist, on

the scale of the incision (so that the

proportions of light and shadow are

exactly the same in the copy), and are

so accurately inimitable, that the purest

and the perfectly intellectual mind can


Hence the idea that has accompanied

me for long time in Germany in

which I preferred to devote my time to

modeling and deepening, in my accommodation in Aachen

 rather than immerse

myself in the reality of the RTWH.

" H e   h a s   t h e   m i n d   o f   a   p o e t   a s   w e l l

a s   t h e   e y e   a n d   h a n d   o f   a n   a r t i s t ,

a n d   h a s   p r o d u c e d   a   s e r i e s   o f   h i g h l y

p o e t i c a l   e s s a y s ” ( F e b . 2, 1 8 3 9 ) ".


I was commissioned to work on this unique project and couldn’t have been happier to do so. Working on it enabled me to use my knowledge and skills in different illustration techniques to bring a piece to life which I’m extremely proud of. If you’re interested in learning more about this project or any of my other creations, feel free to contact me.


In my pluriannual experience, I followed different workflows across all planning and project phases. From first draft to detailed on-site planning, I refined specific competencies modelled on different themes.
The benefits of being in different working teams, of different countries, has allowed me experience in terms of future risks taking always responsability of what declared.

Intro: Featured Work
Intro: Illustrations
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